The sum of Edith’s life is now found in the lonely possessions left behind in her flat after her death. In clearing out her belongings, Yorkshire photographer Christopher Nunn documents with sober and mournful tones the symbolic items of her living space and life. “Edith, a hoarder, compulsive spender and dedicated churchgoer, was repeatedly the victim of junk mail scams and fraudsters, lured by the false promises of winning and becoming rich,” Nunn explains. Following the death of her husband in 1994, “she became trapped in a complicated cycle of debt that continued until her death in 2012.”
The subtle simplicity of Nunn’s imagery invites more questions about the life of Edith than it answers. The curious collections of hoarded items are typically irregular, aside from her commitment to religious ephemera. Sparse walls play against rooms filled with unidentifiable clutter; vacant scenes with the faint human traces. Solemnly, Nunn raises the questions: by what means can character be interpreted through material possessions, and can this be an honest articulation of a person’s life?