GUP Author
Seza Bali
Personal items and traces of lifestyle transform houses into homes. These possessions and signs feed the interpretation of the characters that live in them, as Seza Bali (1982, Turkey) sets out to understand what personal assets are able to articulate about individual personality, culture and gender.
Bali documents these homes absent of their residents to explore by what means personal identity is reflected in spaces and by possessions alone. Composed with sensitive attention to detail, Bali’s images reveal a range of both the personal and impersonal, and through them we see the manner in which these mundane home necessities enable us to read the individuals who live there. Bali’s sober approach encourages the projection of personal associations, drawing attention to the way we make assumptions by superficial means. Through this, her series Home gives insight for the viewer not only into the lives of those whose homes we observe, but also into one’s own identity as we reckon with the conclusions we draw when viewing another’s home.