“Many things we meet in daily life appear inert and lifeless and so are overlooked. Closer scrutiny reveals that they’re furtively signalling each other, emitting unfathomable messages, as in some scene from a horror sci-fi doomsday movie, the kind that always end in tragedy.”
With a background in street photography, Akkara Naktamna (1979, Thailand) has developed a natural sensibility for interpreting his environment. Constructing his images in order to isolate lively green forms, Naktamna draws attention to details and elements, often neglected by daily interactions, which make up their structures.
Organic shapes appear dwarfed in greenery as Naktamna’s compositions reveal them to be communicating with one another, or to us, by subtle signs and gestures. Through these signs, the natural forms appear animated and adopt human characteristics. These organic masses appear to angrily respond to the destruction of nature that human behaviour has caused as their presence overpowers the manmade landscape in which they are captured. In this series, the “organic doomsday conspiracy” that Naktamna references no longer seems implausible.