With the ever-present nature of social media taking up increasing time and space in our lives, most of us have a curated online persona we convey to the outside world, with some so sophisticated, they are almost impossible to find flaws in, no matter how different from their owner. Chicago-based photographer Jaclyn Wright (1986) addresses this imbalance, as well as the amount of information recorded about us online, in her work The Two-Dimensional Shadow, a visual study of society and our ever-changing concept of privacy.
The images on first glance seem to be digital glitches, the screen you dread seeing on your laptop or an error message on a mobile phone. They are in fact 3D installations, photographed to trick the eye, where the source material has been digitally manipulated and twisted out of recognition, such as in the grey disks of one, the Apple logo can be seen when observed closely. Wright states that “the images are an accumulation of data twisted, manipulated and restructured to represent our understanding” of technology. Wright’s work highlights that we trust and put so much of our lives into these digital databases, even though we know so little about how they actually operate.