GUP Author



Giorgio Papadopoulos

Artist Website

What if you meet a stranger at night who tells you he’s a photographer and wants to photograph you naked? Giorgio Papadopoulos (1981, Spain) met people in bars and, after a talk, he invited himself to their private residences to capture a glimpse of their personality. In high contrast black and white film, Papadopolous creates confronting portraits of these strangers, allowing us to dwell on their individual reactions to being seen by a camera: some look confident, even nonchalant as they gaze towards the camera, seemingly having no trouble posing for a stranger, while others turn away protectively.

With these intimate photographs, Papadopoulos finds a way to allow his subjects reveal themselves, showing skin and soul. According to the photographer, “This process subconsciously guided me to express my own vanity, as I created my own story by exploring each of my subjects on a deeper level”.