Flashing in colourful neon, the Brazilian love motels portrayed in LOVE LAND STOP TIME have an atmosphere of faded glory. Whether located in urban or rural areas, the extravagant interiors appear not to have changed for years. For lovers who meet by the hour, it looks like time has stopped.
Driven by a shared fascination with the Brazilian love motel culture, Dutch photographer Jur Oster (b.1982) and art director Vera van de Sandt (b.1980) wanted to capture the aging love motels before it would be too late. With a Rolleiflex 2.8 GX camera and only the use of available light, they show in square format imagery the uninhabited rooms’ original atmospheres.
Attention to kitsch details and attributes awaken a re-evaluation of these erotic spaces. The artists’ choice to show the rooms emptied of any people strengthens this feeling even more. “We’d like to leave it to the viewers to imagine what goes on in these spaces”, explains the duo. With these photographs they hope to offer a more inclusive view on the various ways in which people from different cultures might experience love, romance and sexuality.