GUP Author



Martín Bollati


Meeting at the intersection of the aesthetics of pop art, the content of an anthropological study and the colours of Francis Ford Coppola’s Apocalypse Now, La Forma Bruta is Martín Bollati’s (b. 1986) most recent creative venture. Ablaze with fantastically bright and warm colours, Bolatti asks some pretty instigative questions about the validity of human history and the foundations of our knowledge.

Citing a postulation from Aby Warburg, the German art historian and cultural theorist, that historic discourse is never founded on official grounds and can always be re-written, Bollati takes us on a visual journey through an imagined stage of Neanderthal human history. Elaborating further on Warburg’s thinking, Bolatti states that historians frequently invalidate their own stories (as historical evidence) by filling the natural gaps in their stories with their own personal points of view, biases and contexts – so why can’t he also have a go at writing history, which he does through this abstract depiction of early human history.

By combining colours with artefacts that are rarely seen together, La Forma Bruta (which translates to The Raw Form) creates a surreal form of visual language, which leave us as the viewers with plenty to mull over both aesthetically and conceptually.