During the making of Nothing New Under the Sun, photographer Eva Donckers (b. 1991, Belgium) travelled for one month around the desert of Utah and New Mexico in the United States. This experience allowed her to meet many individuals with fascinating spiritual experiences who lived on the edge of society for many years. Interactions with these people, and the photographer’s intuition during these encounters, became crucial both for the development of the series and for Donckers’ personal understanding of God. The project comprises vivid portraits, humanless environments, still-lifes, text and hand-written notes.
Driving through the desert for weeks, Donckers passed by many barren villages that still hold on to their religious communities like never before. Visuals of huge crosses, home altars and improvised churches are there to remind us that when the idea of a bright future is destroyed, people still find the strength to carry on, no matter the circumstances or the environment.