GUP Author

GUP team


Philip J. Brittan

Artist Website

Philip J. Brittan (b. 1973, United Kingdom) has created a series of images based on long night walks. These images are as much about feelings experienced – the sense of a vanished world – as the representation of certain places.
Ghosts Are Real was created during a difficult period in Brittan’s life: his mother had just died and dealing with the estate fractured his family in rancorous conflict. He escaped by taking long, slow night-time walks through the city and surrounding countryside. These nocturnal walks became a sort of haven, a place to recuperate from the troubles of the day.
Walking a different route each time and often prompted by a particular place, Brittan regularly experienced the emotional ambush that can arrive in the small hours, when the past erupts into the present. Welcome ghosts and lyrical memories alive with his time spent in the city, from youth to adulthood, came to the surface – faces, voices, objects, music, walks, animals, stories.

Encompassing diverse camera methods, experimental processing, a range of styles and media, and various fine-art printmaking techniques, the book Ghosts Are Real is a glorious full-bleed expression of beauty, colour and abstraction.


Philip J Brittan’s project ‘Ghosts are real’ was featured in GUP #64.