Many think publishing a new photo magazine in this fast developing digital world is equal to committing suicide. Besides a large number of exhibitions and book publications, photo logs and photo news websites pop up by the dozen. Every month you’ll discover new initiatives in the area of photography. A lot to react to and a lot to form an opinion about. Despite this enormous amount, we detect an underexposed area in this still expanding field. A combination of information and new talent is bundled in this clever guide, that finds depth where you hope for it and searches for width where you expect it. No coffee table glossy, but a handy magazine that surprises in the search for renewal. In this first GUP edition, with the first Holland Unique Photo Festival as a red wire, new talent shows, specialists discuss their explicit vision about photography, as GUP includes an investment tip and information about where to buy your photo-art and when the best national and international photo exhibitions will be held the coming two months.