The Marie-Stella-Maris Foundation got in touch with GUP Magazine for a collaboration that would visualize its ideals: facilitating a talented photographer to shoot documentary images and autonomous work, while visiting one of the foundation’s clean drinking water project sites.
GUP assisted in finding the ideal photographer for the task, and shortly thereafter, portrait and documentary photographer Linelle Deunk (b. 1967, The Netherlands) visited the clean drinking water project in Uganda. The images that she came back with impressed us so much that we wanted to share it with our readers: a black and white body of work that is as gently touching as it is fiercely powerful. Of the photographic process itself, Deunk said, “For me as a photographer it was also refreshing to use water as a starting point, you get to see basic elements differently. You are surrounded by it: light, air, puddles, kitchen; you see it everywhere.”
With clean water as her starting point, she created a beautifully basic and elegant series of portrait and landscape scenes. While aesthetically rich, they also feel stripped of pretence, focusing our gaze toward simplicity. Deunk says: “I am fascinated by the idea that when you take away all material context, and solely look at the individual, with his or her loved ones, our two worlds may not be so different. Clean water contributes to diminish the gap between both worlds and helps us realize that this world is for all of us.”